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Diposting oleh Emmy / Category: ,

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with .

Mobile phone specifically for a voice call functions before. Used in places where there is no phone available. But with advances in communications technology, a number of innovations in the field of analog mobile phone made. If only for the purpose of the call, you can now use the SMS messages sent via short message service (SMS).

After the introduction of SMS, multimedia message below, where you can combine images, audio content, and animation in a text message. Mobile e-mail service innovates traditional PC e-mail, interactive games, capturing images with built-in camera and other services that take place in the mobile phone industry - thanks to various specialists and communications experts.

Newest addition to the new models of mobile phones is mobile blogging web where you can blog without even logging into your personal computer. All the things you can do on the internet blog - add photos from your mobile phone or post your thoughts or experiences in a new environment, movies, concerts, game consoles or coffee shop - which is done via the phone.

Barak Berkowitz, chairman and CEO of Six Apart, California-based company that is also a pioneer in mobile blogging, that these new functions, in particular mobile phone manufacturer has introduced click wireless Internet (WAP) and the camera - equipped phone. He agrees with WAP, people will be able to post or your blog. At the same time they can post a picture in the place where they use the camera phone.

You can see that there's practical value in learning more about . Can you think of ways to apply what's been covered so far?

For those who are still foreign to the blog, is a home page on the Internet that a form of personal journals. All blog entries in the chronology prepared with comments and ideas about all things, in other words, your position on various topics.

Traditionally, you should see your blog from a personal computer and send you on your own website or blog in the community. But with the blog from your phone, you can now use the network service provider to your blog to the web server. In other words, you can now your blog, even when you're in your car or yourself in a remote location.

Because of this development, the specialist computer to prompt the development of a variety of software suitable for such purpose. A few developed software to allow you to send photos and text from your phone directly to a website. Another blog with mobile phones combine location-based services. In other words, you can use your phone not only to find a place for the particular importance, you also see the comments others have left on their blog about areas of interest.

At this time, another network provider and other small start-up mobile blogging pioneer who hitching net. But as Internet giants Yahoo and Google is now planning to enter the arena of mobile blogging. Yahoo now testing mobile blogging services and Akan release in the coming weeks. This only shows that blogging has become popular mobile phone users.

There you go with the latest innovations for the phone. He is just a manifestation that the phone is not just for texting or calling a function, which currently can be used for blogging.

Now you can be a confident expert on . OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on .

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