Basically, the smart phone or PDA phone is a communication device or a mobile phone equipped with a digital organizer. This device can also function as a data organizer, e-mail client, web browser, music player, video player, digital cameras, GPS, edit documents, and other functions.
What is the difference between PDA's and smart phones?
Actually, both are almost similar. PDA phone, which stands for personal digital assistant phone, is the development of the PDA, which can be used as a phone. PDA itself was originally created as a mini-computer, the bear as a digital organizer and everywhere easily. However, in subsequent development, is the function in the PDA phone, which is known as PDA phones included.
Instead smartphone is the development of mobile and added features and other facilities that it is a smartphone and as a smartphone. In comparison, almost no difference between the PDA's and smartphones.
Tips Choosing a PDA phone or smartphone
Here are some tips and advice before you choose your phone to a smartphone or PDA to replace the phone.
If you frequently travel abroad or out of town, do not choose a smartphone with GSM and CDMA. Foreign countries you can buy prepaid cards to be installed on the smartphone. You can also use the roaming network you are using your service provider. But if you're more in the country, you can use alternative networks, such as CDMA.
OS (Operating System)
We have a variety of operating systems (OS) for the smartphone available. Some of them are Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, Linux, Palm OS and BlackBerry. Each has advantages and special features. Check carefully what features are most suitable and most widely used. Almost all operating systems can perform basic functions such as telephone, e-mail, web and SMS / MMS. But there are some special features, such as the BlackBerry is able to connect the e-mail server and chat a special server to the BlackBerry. If you frequently use Microsoft products like Windows and Microsoft Office, you can select the device with Windows Mobile operating system, so you are more accustomed to using it.
Speed Data (Download Speed)
Velocity data can also be a special attention for those who are too often the data over the Internet or send data via e-mail. Some smartphone offers 3G data speeds up to HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Package Access) or 3.5G speed up up to 7 times the speed of 3G. In the CDMA network is also known as EV-DO. When you subscribe to packet-based time, the higher the data rate, the lower the bill your credit card, because the download time quicker. Speed data from the lowest to the highest (over GSM networks): GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 3.5G (HSDPA).
WiFi function
If you are often located in areas that a free hotspot is available, you need to buy a smartphone are equipped with WiFi. With this device you can connect to the Internet without charge to your credit card bills. This feature is not recommended for mobile devices, there are many networks offer broadband Internet speeds, such as 3.5G and EV-DO.
QWERTY keyboard
Some smartphones are equipped with a QWERTY keyboard system is similar to the arrangement of letters letters on the keyboard of your computer or laptop. This arrangement is easier for users to enter the phone as the numeric keypad or the numbers. If you frequently type, then you're ready to use QWERTY keyboard. But if you just call just to read your e-mail and surfing, numeric keypad or the numbers are still right for you.
Connectivity (connectivity)
Make sure you can present information to the media on smartphones or other devices to move easily. Suppose you have a picture or a portrait made that transfer a lot in your own smartphone and want to your computer or your laptop or on a printer. Of course, you must connect to other devices such as data cable, USB or Bluetooth. Therefore, make sure that one or other devices to connect multiple devices on the smartphone, you want to buy, too.
Check the number of available internal memory mencukup needed for your data. If you feel less, make sure also that the smartphone has a slot for external memory, to record your data.
If you frequently work on documents on your smartphone, then select the screen size (display) is large. The larger screen makes it easier and more comfortable in the process and work on your documents. But to think that a large screen size make these devices more batteries are required. Consider also the color depth is also shown. The greater color depth, the images will appear more beautiful.
You can also use the application (software) Nothing contained in these smartphones. If you frequently documents processed, whether the existing Office applications in IT (office suite) as a word processor, spreadsheet and other applications. Or if you want to listen to music or watching movies, whether applications are already available, good entertainment in it.
Corporate Connection (Corporate Connection)
If you are associated with smartphones, which offer employees in your company will be smart phones, consider the integration with the system of your company. BlackBerry is widely used for enterprise employees, as compability integrate with email systems and servers in the enterprise.
After Sales Service
Make sure you buy a smartphone from a dealer, the after sales service is clear. As the number of features on a smartphone, of course you have such a good after-sales support service, product training, software updates and improvements.
Verify Again
Be sure to buy again before the decision for the smartphone with the following question to yourself:
o The tool is easy to keep?
o If the screen is clear enough?
o The price is for these devices makes sense for me?
o the key and the keyboard is easy to use?
Smartphone or PDA phone is not the cheap stuff. Therefore, if I want to buy the device, you must carefully for what you need. If your primary need, to music, watch movies, listen, or play games, then you should just buy the HP with entertainment features. But if you frequently use the Internet to work with a variety of documents require regulatory schedule and organizer, you should choose a product, Smartphone or PDA phone. A smartphone is simply too much of your life.

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Diposting oleh Emmy / Category: computer, computers, laptop, laptops, memory, memory upgrade, notebook
In the past where there is no computer or PC, any work must be done manually. And the people’s life is getting easier when PC is introduced. There are many things that now can be done easily with the help of a computer. Activities like typing, and calculating is made very simple with computer, after that comes the next generation of PC which is now portable, called laptop.
This thing is I think the most popular kind of computer that is owned by many people in this world. Although laptop has a lower performance compare to the PC but most people still choose it due to its mobility. But actually you can have a very powerful laptop just by upgrading your laptop memory. In both PC and laptop, memory is the most important part since this determines the computer’s performance. That is why if you want to have a powerful laptop, you need to do laptop memory upgrade now.
If you want to do so, there is only one place that you can visit, which is This is a website that sells laptop memory in a cheap price. There are many brands selection of laptop memory with a very cheap price. Even for you Mac user, you can get Mac notebook memory here.
Diposting oleh Emmy / Category: internet, phone, Satellite, telephone directoryThe reason why many opt for a satellite Internet, due to the fact that a number of advantages over other available methods, such as a dial-up connection. The first advantage would be that this method allows individuals to fast connections, making even in rural and remote areas where DSL lines are not available. The dish, directly in this method sends radio signals to a satellite in the stratosphere of the Earth is located.
A quick response is then returned to the dish, so you receive the information in just a few seconds. This is very advantageous, as is used as an advantage for the frequent traveler or in rural areas, and the satellite connection does not have DSL or telephone lines, the common methods. You can at any time and anywhere without restriction.
Moreover, not binding on the Internet via satellite to local cable or telephone cable-TV subscription. As a dial-up connection is often interferes with phone lines, where a user could not receive incoming and make outgoing calls when the phone would be busy in hosting an internet connection. At an internet connection via satellite, these compounds do not interfere, because they a satellite dish to send and receive information. Moreover, you have not the problem of wires lying around your computer or laptop.
Finally, the best with this method has the advantage that the internet speed would not be affected or connected via cable to the phone or computer. If you access the Internet via satellite, factors such as phone parts and wiring problems would not interfere with your Internet connection.
Diposting oleh Emmy / Category: internet, radio, Satellite, system
One of the main components that affect the speed of the Internet, the dish that comes together with a satellite internet system. Taking into account the fact that in order to speed satellite Internet to obtain, must first install the dish in an appropriate manner and environment. In the first place should ensure that the area where you are on the market are wide and open. Never took them between the trees and walls, because these objects could interfere with and reduce the feed from satellites are received in the form of radio waves. Apart from the safe setting of the satellite to a pole or an object that you could screw tightly. This is due to lose the satellite could not be placed stationary due to factors such as wind, which eventually can cause your problems in their context you have.
Next would be available as soon satellite internet from the beginning for your purchase, it is most important. Be especially sure to always give you the right plan for you have bought used. Some people tend to pick the wrong package, and finally complained about slow Internet connections.
The reason is that different packages available to fit different purposes, including use of internet speed varies from packet to packet. The price for a faster internet connection is also generally higher, and so if a user who requires a fast Internet connection, one would choose the more expensive packages.
Finally, if you are not in the format settings and also ask your satellite experienced unit, always help, especially by authorized personnel. Most satellite Internet service from the company helping their customers use their Internet connection. So if you have problems with setting up your satellite Internet connection is always free to call the service provider, because they are more than willing to help for a small fee or sometimes even free.